Greek Homosexuality: with Forewords by Stephen Halliwell, Mark Masterson and James Robson by K. J. Dover
Greek Homosexuality: with Forewords by Stephen Halliwell, Mark Masterson and James Robson by K. J. Dover PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Hailed as magisterial when it first appeared, Greek Homosexuality remains an academic milestone and continues to be of major importance for students and scholars of gender studies. Kenneth Dover explores the understanding of homosexuality in ancient Greece, examining a vast array of material and textual evidence that leads him to provocative conclusions.This new release of the 1989 second edition, for which Dover wrote an epilogue reflecting on the impact of his book, includes two specially commissioned forewords assessing the author's legacy and the place of his text within modern studies of gender in the ancient world.
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