Deprivation and Delinquency (Routledge Classics) by D. W. Winnicott
Deprivation and Delinquency (Routledge Classics) by D. W. Winnicott PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"Winnicott was a healer with the qualities of a parent, a magician, a teacher, a poet and a friend. The editors of this book have done a great service in collecting and arranging papers dating from the experiences of the evacuation in the Second World War up to some of Winnicott’s continued explorations of his own philosophy" - The British Medical Journal
D. W. Winnicott was one of the giants of child psychiatry and psychoanalysis. He argued eloquently for an increased sensitivity to children, their development and their needs. Deprivation and Delinquency is an invaluable collection of his work on the theme of the relationship between antisocial behaviour, or more chronically delinquency, and childhood experiences of deprivation. Winnicott examines children under stress, the nature and origin of antisocial tendency and the practical management of difficult children – issues which have once again exploded onto the social agenda.
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