Smart Textiles for Designers: Inventing the Future of Fabrics by Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman
Smart Textiles for Designers: Inventing the Future of Fabrics by Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
We are on the cusp of a revolution, where the intersection of technology, the human body, and everyday objects will become completely seamless. Smart textiles are a key part of this revolution.Smart Textiles for Designers introduces the different qualities and properties that can be embedded in, integrated with, and applied to fabrics, and looks at the different contexts in which these smart textiles can be used. A survey of specific fabrics grouped by properties provides a core reference section and a palette for the designer to work from. The book also examines five different design approaches and features interviews with leading designer and design teams, showing their processes and working methods.
The first book to look at smart textiles through the eyes of a designer, this is both a core reference work and an inspirational guide for students and professionals alike.
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