Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by David A. DeCenzo, Stephen P. Robbins

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by David A. DeCenzo, Stephen P. Robbins

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by David A. DeCenzo, Stephen P. Robbins PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition.

The 11th Edition of Fundamentals of Human Resource Management helps students understand and remember concepts through a straightforward and conversational writing style and a wealth of examples to clarify ideas and build interest. The authors provide a strong foundation of essential elements of Human Resource Management as well as a clear understanding of how Human Resource Management links with business strategy. Through practical applications, the authors illustrate the importance of employees on every level of the organization, helping students understand HRM elements such as recruitment, training, motivation, retention, safety, the legal environment, and how they support successful business strategies.

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