The Instruction by Ainslie MacLeod
The Instruction by Ainslie MacLeod PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Have you ever sensed that your life has a deeper, more meaningful purpose, but you don't know what it is? If so, you're not alone. To help you and the millions like you, psychic Ainslie MacLeod's spirit guides have given him a systematic approach to uncovering who you really are-and the life your soul has planned for. They call it The Instruction.
Now, for the first time, this unique teaching is offered as a step-by-step program for realizing personal fulfillment. The Instruction will take you through 10 doorways to unveil the life plan your soul created before you were even born, including:
- Your Soul Age-Determining how it shapes your beliefs and behaviors
- Your Soul Type-Are you a Hunter? Thinker? Creator? What your Soul Type reveals about your true self
- Your Powers-Connecting fully and permanently with your spirit guides to create your destiny
- Your Talents-Using your past lives to enhance the present
By taking you on a journey beyond this plane, Ainslie MacLeod uses a groundbreaking system to help you unlock the secrets of your soul's purpose, and illuminate the path of your life with The Instruction.
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