Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Proust and Signs: The Complete Text (Theory Out of Bounds) by Gilles Deleuze

Proust and Signs: The Complete Text (Theory Out of Bounds) by Gilles Deleuze

Proust and Signs: The Complete Text (Theory Out of Bounds)

Proust and Signs: The Complete Text (Theory Out of Bounds) by Gilles Deleuze PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The essential work on Proust--now in paperback! In a remarkable instance of literary and philosophical interpretation, the incomparable Gilles Deleuze reads Marcel Proust's work as a narrative of an apprenticeship--more precisely, the apprenticeship of a man of letters. Considering the search to be one directed by an experience of signs, in which the protagonist learns to interpret and decode the kinds and types of symbols that surround him, Deleuze conducts us on a corollary search--one that leads to a new understanding of the signs that constitute A la recherche du temps perdu. In Richard Howard's graceful translation, augmented with an essay that Deleuze added to a later French edition, Proust and Signs is the complete English version of this work. Admired as an imaginative and innovative study of Proust and as one of Deleuze's more accessible works, Proust and Signs stands as the writer's most sustained attempt to understand and explain the work of art.

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