Minggu, 06 September 2015

PDF⋙ Cash Cow: Ten Myths about the Dairy Industry by Élise Desaulniers

Cash Cow: Ten Myths about the Dairy Industry by Élise Desaulniers

Cash Cow: Ten Myths about the Dairy Industry

Cash Cow: Ten Myths about the Dairy Industry by Élise Desaulniers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A popular and respected blogger in Québec, Canada, Élise Desaulniers is a food ethics and animal rights advocate who is also interested in public policy, philosophy, and feminism. In Cash Cow, she takes a hard look at the dairy industry, and how it has persuaded the general public of the naturalness and value of cows milk in the human diet.

Desaulniers asks just who really benefits from the promotion of dairy, and just how effectively animal welfare and small farming operations can be protected in an age of consolidation and confinement.

The ten myths about the dairy industry that Desaulniers debunks make up the chapters of the book:

1. Milk Is Natural

2. A Glass of Milk for Healthy Bones

3. One Glass of Milk Is Good, but Two Is Better

4. We Can Trust the Experts

5. Schoolchildren Need Milk

6. If Cows Were Unhappy, They Wouldn't Produce Milk

7. Animal Abuse Is Illegal

8. Cheese Is Green

9. It's an Industry Just Like Any Other

10. I Could Never Live Without Cheese

"Got Milk? If so, Élise Desaulniers forcefully argues you've also got animal cruelty and human health problems. If you grew up buying the dairy industry's marketing claims, this book may make you feel as if the blindfold has finally come off." Paul Shapiro, Vice President, Farm Animal Protection, The Humane Society of the United States

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