Sabtu, 12 September 2015

PDF⋙ The ZETA Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness (The Zeta Series) by Judy Carroll, Helene Kaye

The ZETA Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness (The Zeta Series) by Judy Carroll, Helene Kaye

The ZETA Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness (The Zeta Series)

The ZETA Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness (The Zeta Series) by Judy Carroll, Helene Kaye PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Zeta message is a powerful and true story of author Judy Carroll's lifelong contact with the gray extraterrestrials known as 'Zetas'. It provides a detailed account of an average Australian family who in the year 2000 suddenly found themselves caught up in full-on and seemingly frightening contact involving flashing lights, black-clad figures appearing in bedrooms, and children waking screaming in terror. Introduced by a mutual friend, Judy assisted this family to open up to deeper levels of understanding as the fear barrier was gradually broken down to reveal incredible depths of conscious awareness. This book is excitingly different in that for the first time, answers and explanations are given on the meaning behind the ET abduction experience. A companion volume, Human by Day, Zeta by Night, dramatizes the events herein described in a fictional manner, along with deeper teaching and information on the UFO and Abduction phenomenon.

Author's website:

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