Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Fiction as History: Nero to Julian by G. W. Bowersock

Fiction as History: Nero to Julian by G. W. Bowersock

Fiction as History: Nero to Julian

Fiction as History: Nero to Julian by G. W. Bowersock PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Using pagan fiction produced in Greek and Latin during the early Christian era, G. W. Bowersock investigates the complex relationship between "historical" and "fictional" truths. This relationship preoccupied writers of the second century, a time when apparent fictions about both past and present were proliferating at an astonishing rate and history was being invented all over again. With force and eloquence, Bowersock illuminates social attitudes of this period and persuasively argues that its fiction was influenced by the emerging Christian Gospel narratives.

Enthralling in its breadth and enhanced by two erudite appendices, this is a book that will be warmly welcomed by historians and interpreters of literature.

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