Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Icosoclast by Brian Reynolds

Icosoclast by Brian Reynolds


Icosoclast by Brian Reynolds PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Eli Levin is a normal teenager from Kansas City getting ready for his second year of high school. His best friend, Emi, is just as normal as he is. Or so he thinks, until he discovers one day that she’s hiding a big secret. Emi has superpowers. What’s more, she’s not alone. They're called icosoclasts: people with the physics-defying power to manipulate space, time, and matter as they see fit. Before he realizes just how abnormal life really is, Eli finds himself in a secret guild of superpowered icosoclasts. What's more, somebody seems to have a dangerously dark, cold winter in store for his city. But surrounded by people who command the shadows and bend light, who summon spirits and control the elements, who tell the very pillars of reality what to do, can Eli trust any of them? And if he can, will it matter in the end?

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